4 Steps Toward A More Successful Women-In-Tech Initiative

Here are four steps to get you started:

1. Figure out what will be different because of your WIT group Create a steering committee or advisory board, and ask them, “If our women-in-tech (WIT) group is successful, what will be different about our company?”

Here are some ideas to explore:

Are there diversity issues you want to address? For example, do you want to increase the percentage of women in technical roles, retain more women, or have more women in senior leadership positions? Great! Identify the goal and what you want the future to look like. For example, 'Double the percentage of women in technical leadership roles in the next two years'.

Are there business challenges to address? Perhaps your company wants to increase innovation, customer satisfaction, or employee engagement. Pick an area and identify how the company plans to measure improvements. Then craft a goal for the WIT group that aligns with that corporate goal.

Are there corporate social responsibility goals to contribute to? I recently read about a company with a goal to increase employee volunteer hours by 20%. If you worked at that company, your WIT goal might be to 'Provide volunteer tutors or mentors to the community'. You’d provide a great opportunity for your WIT members and contribute to the larger corporate goal.

2. Socialize your goals

Get support with people across your company who can help you achieve your goals. Ask them for ideas for how to make progress against them. Figure out who can support your WIT goals with funding, and engage them as sponsors.

3. Create a plan to have impact

Depending on your goals and budget, identify how to make progress and measure your impact. Measure your baseline metrics, and identify activities that will support improving that metric.

4. Track and share your impact

As you start working on the activities that will make a difference, measure your progress and share it. Talk about the impact you’re having, not just the activities you’re offering. Not only will your message be stronger, you’ll be able to garner more support from across your company. And you’ll be more successful as a result.

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